Train GaussDB database administrators and application developers, while enhancing the expertise of personnel involved in database management.

  • Purchase certifications

  • Online learning

    7 sections

  • Lab exercises

    5 exercises (unlimited attempts)

  • Enroll for the exam

    Theory + lab exams (1 attempt)

  • Obtain the certificate

    Certificate valid for 3 years

  • Purchase certifications
  • Online learning
  • Lab exercises
  • Enroll for the exam
  • Obtain the certificate
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  • Purchase certifications
    1. Please use your HUAWEI CLOUD personal account or enterprise master account to purchase developer certification, which does not support the purchase/redemption of enterprise sub-accounts or the enterprise sub-account exam.
    2. If you use a redemption code to redeem developer authentication, click Developer Authentication to complete the redemption operation, which only supports HUAWEI CLOUD personal account redemption authentication.
    3. After successfully purchasing the developer certification,you can proceed to the next steps,and you can view the redemption record in My Redemption Code
  • Online learning
    Learn the basics online. Start
    Chapter/Section Duration(Min) Objective
    Basic Database Knowledge 103 Learn the latest trends in database development and architecture, and master basic database concepts and models.
    Database Design 53 Understand physical design policies for databases, along with the conceptual design methods and logic design paradigms of databases.
    Introduction to GaussDB 57 Discover the benefits of cloud databases, master the architecture and key features of GaussDB, and learn how to deploy GaussDB instances and use a client to connect to a GaussDB database.
    SQL Operations 150 Understand SQL syntax, common data types, functions, and operators, and learn how to use GaussDB instances to perform operations on database objects and to insert, delete, update, and query data.
    GaussDB Database Development 55 Understand GaussDB database drivers, as well as JDBC and ODBC APIs.
    GaussDB Management and O&M 116 Understand data backup and restoration, learn about routine management and O&M operations in GaussDB, and become skilled in using common system catalogs and system views, managing GaussDB database security, and using data import and export tools.
    Exam Outline and Sample Questions 60 Learn about the knowledge points and weighting of the certification exam.
  • Lab exercises
    Each exercise reinforces the course theory, so you improve your understanding and acquire related skills.


    Before the exercise

    1. Log in using your Huawei Cloud account on Google Chrome.

    2. Ensure your network speed is at least 2 Mbit/s.

    During the exercise

    1. Limited practice slots are available, and each user has one practice attempt a day.

    2. Complete the exercise within the required time. If you exit the exercise, resources will be released.

    3. Use the lab account provided by KooLabs for operations on the lab desktop.

    • GaussDB Database Deployment

      Duration:90 min

    • SQL and Common Operations

      Duration:90 min

    • Basic Database Operations in Java

      Duration:120 min

    • Database Management and Maintenance Exercise

      Duration:120 min

    • Comprehensive GaussDB Java Practices in Financial Scenarios

      Duration:180 min

  • Enroll for the exam
  • Obtain the certificate
    1. 48 hours after passing the exam, your certificate will be available to view and download at My Certificates in your account name drop-down.
    2. Your certificate is valid for three years from the date of issuance.


  • Online learning Start
    Chapter/Section Duration(Min) Objective
    Basic Database Knowledge 103 Learn the latest trends in database development and architecture, and master basic database concepts and models.
    Database Design 53 Understand physical design policies for databases, along with the conceptual design methods and logic design paradigms of databases.
    Introduction to GaussDB 57 Discover the benefits of cloud databases, master the architecture and key features of GaussDB, and learn how to deploy GaussDB instances and use a client to connect to a GaussDB database.
    SQL Operations 150 Understand SQL syntax, common data types, functions, and operators, and learn how to use GaussDB instances to perform operations on database objects and to insert, delete, update, and query data.
    GaussDB Database Development 55 Understand GaussDB database drivers, as well as JDBC and ODBC APIs.
    GaussDB Management and O&M 116 Understand data backup and restoration, learn about routine management and O&M operations in GaussDB, and become skilled in using common system catalogs and system views, managing GaussDB database security, and using data import and export tools.
    Exam Outline and Sample Questions 60 Learn about the knowledge points and weighting of the certification exam.
  • Lab exercises
    Each exercise reinforces the course theory, so you improve your understanding and acquire related skills.


    Before the exercise

    1. Log in using your Huawei Cloud account on Google Chrome.

    2. Ensure your network speed is at least 2 Mbit/s.

    During the exercise

    1. Limited practice slots are available, and each user has one practice attempt a day.

    2. Complete the exercise within the required time. If you exit the exercise, resources will be released.

    3. Use the lab account provided by KooLabs for operations on the lab desktop.

    GaussDB Database Deployment

    Duration:90 min

    SQL and Common Operations

    Duration:90 min

    Basic Database Operations in Java

    Duration:120 min

    Database Management and Maintenance Exercise

    Duration:120 min

    Comprehensive GaussDB Java Practices in Financial Scenarios

    Duration:180 min

  • Enroll for the exam
  • Obtain the certificate Obtain certificate
    1. 48 hours after passing the exam, your certificate will be available to view and download at My Certificates in your account name drop-down.
    2. Your certificate is valid for three years from the date of issuance.
Redemption successful!